Zhuyang Wang


I am a sixth-year CS Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota. advised by Prof. Favonia. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, mentored by Prof. Qinxiang Cao. I am interested in programming language and type theory.




Opinions are personal.

My Name

My Chinese name is 王竹阳, composed of three characters (Wang), (Zhu), and (Yang). These characters means king, bamboo and sun respectively. You may pronounce it like wong-drew-young in English. The surname is and the given name is 竹阳. There is no middle name in Chinese so Zhu is not my middle name. Chinese surname comes first and given name comes last. But you can just call me Zhuyang. The username hawnzug is a permutation of "Zhu Wang", a nickname I go by in school.


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